Sunday, June 30, 2013

Replete e-Commerce and Business

Replete e-Commerce and Business - WooCommerce eCommerce


Update: we have updated the framework folder across all of our WordPress Themes fornew functionality! The theme now supports WooCommerce 2.0.7+ Read more about the Changes at the bottom of the Page. Updating is highly recommended!

Replete is a responsive WordPress Theme (try resizing your browser), suited for e-Commerce & business websites. Whether you want to sell clothes, electronics, digital items like prints or songs, this Theme might just be for you. In addition to that, if you like the design and want it to use for a completely different purpose without e-Commerce functionality you can do so as well.

Replete comes with a plethora of options so you can modify layout, styling, colors and fonts directly from within the backend. Build your own skin or use one of 13 predefined skins right out from your WordPress Admin Panel. Font, background and color options as well as the dynamic template builder will help you create the Website you need in no time. In addition to the global options you can set unqiue styling options for each entry as seen in the theme demo

SEO (Search engine optimization)
The theme is built with SEO best practices in mind. It uses semantical valid HTML code and CSS so search engines can index the content of your site with ease. Important content is always placed before unimportent in your source code (eg: Blog Post content before Sidebar), Headlines are wrapped in heading tags (h1, h2, h3 etc) to signalise their importance to search engines. The site also uses heavy internal site linking, which is also of vital for search engines (related posts, primary and secondary navigation menus, footer navigation, etc) With this Wordpress Template you are well equipped to get a high google ranking and attract visitors to show them your fantastic work


Key Features Overview

  • Woocommerce optimized – build any kind of shop you with the powerful woocommerce shop plugin
  • Mega Menus
  • Translation ready + WPML plugin ready:WPML Plugin, in case your business needs a multi language site
  • Responsive designs that addapts to smaller devices (iphone, ipad)
  • Deactivate responsive features with one click in your backend
  • Responsive Slideshow that is optimized for mobile devices (hardware accelerated CSS3 slider)
  • Post Format Support: Standard, Image, Video, Gallery, Link, Quote
  • Multiple Slideshows possible. You can add one to each post, page or portfolio entry
  • 13 predefined skins, easy to edit and modify. Any number of skins possible (even dark skins, in case you want to build a dark e-commerce sites: eg: Band Merchandise etc)
  • Supports Videos from any major video hosting service
  • Template Builder for unique page layouts (Landing Pages, Frontpages, Videopages etc)
  • Visual Shortcode editor with preview function, tons of shortcodes like pricing tables, columns, buttons etc
  • Custom Widgets like: Combo Widget, Recent News, Recent Portfolio entries, Advertising, Twitter, Twitter + RSS follower count
  • Color picker options for any number of gorgeous color settings.
  • Unqiue Sidebars for each page/category possible
  • Extensive User Manual, short videos and professional theme support by me and my team to fix any kind of problems
  • Growing community in our support forum: 4500 registered users, 5300 Topics, 25000 Posts. We do care that your site works and answer every post!
  • jQuery 100% unobtrusive wich degrades gracefully if javascript is turned off
  • Contact Form Builder: Modify your contact form from your backend: add/remove/modify the available inputs, textareas, dropdowns and checkboxes
  • Code built with SEO best practice in mind
  • PSDs included


This is a responsive theme, able to adapt its layout to the screen size of your visitors. (try resizing the screen and see for yourself) The Slideshows for this theme are also touch enabled and hardware accelerated, which means they are working super sleek on mobile device like ipad or iphone

Support and Documentation

The theme comes with an extensive help file with videos to help you understand how it works. If you encounter any problems or have questions once you purchased the theme feel free to drop us a notice at

We have 4500 registered members that often help out faster than we can. Nevertheless you will always recieve a response from me or my support team. More than 25000 Posts show that we do care that your site works fine

A short notice: The reasons I have chosen to use my own forum are quite simple:

  1. Themeforest support threads are not searchable. Since most questions are asked over and over again a searchable forum will greatly enhance your experience since the answer to your question might already be there.
  2. Second Reason: people can’t respond to each other at themeforest to help each other out, which often happens on the support forums.



External scripts and resources used:

  • lightbox plugin
  • Iconsweets2 Icon set
  • Images by dribbble+: All images are copyrighted to their respective owners and not available for download with this theme.
  • Special Thanks to Dash
  • flickr creative commons library pictures by: cg, manu_h, mizrak, visualpanic, codyR, kretyen, mescon, obskura, freya23, amir K, Tambako the Jaguar, jaeWalk


REPLETE 2013 April 17th – Version 1.4
 file style.css: updated version number folder framework: several bug-fixes and improvements folder js: prettyphoto update folder config-woocommerce: several woocommerce related updates to make the theme work with version 2.0.7+ folder includes: many small fixes and improvements file: css/layout.css - menu improvement file: functions.php file: functions-replete.php 
2013 04 03 – Version 1.3.1
 folder: config-woocommerce: update all files for version 2.0 comapt file: config-woocommerce/config.php - improved seo for title, updated all classnames to the new .woocommerce- prefix file: config-woocommerce/woocommerce-mod.css - fixed a css issue on mobile devices file: config-woocommerce/woocommerce-mod.js - added small script that removes input number fields and replaces them with input text, since the styling is horrible and unfixable on opera atm 
2013 04 03 – Version 1.3
 file style.css: updated version number file: includes/admin/register-admin-options.php - improved label file: includes/helper-template-dynamic.php - fixed woocommerce issue with out of order items file js/avia.js changed indentation string for mobile menus to dash, so iOS 6 properly displays menu structure file functions.php : added hook for dynamic.css generation file functions-replete.php :added function for dynamic.css generation folder framework: update to the latest version of the framework. allows to generate css files on the fly now file: includes/admin/register-plugins.php updated to latest version file: css/dynamic-css.php small changes 
2013 02 04 – Version 1.2
 file style.css: updated version number file layout: minor improvements to the css folder: config-woocommerce - fixed a problem with a php error caused on some server setups 
2013 21 01 – Version 1.1
 file style.css: updated version number file slideshow.css: fixed a slideshow caption problem file layout: fixed a google maps widget display problem file includes/loop-portfolio.php fixed a php error that threw a Warning file includes/admin/register-widget-area.php: added a new sidebar area for single product pages (you might need to re arrange your footer widgets after the update) file includes/helper-slideshow.php - added a check to prevent slider display when on forum pages file inclides/helper-template-logic.php - fixed a problem with sidebar positioning file forum.php file sidebar.php file functions-replete.php fixed a html error file: loop-portfolio.php - changed behavior of sortable portfolio so that empty categories no longer appear file: includes/register-dynamic-styles.php - fixed a bug that keep empty url() styles displaying, causing trouble with duplicate products in woocommerce folder: js small modifications to various files folder lang: updates to several language files folder config-woocommerce: fixed several issues with the woocommerce plugin - cart dropdwon always working now -fine tuned some of the css classes -fixed a breadcrumb issue when product didnt have a category -single product sidebars added folder config-bbpress: improved compatibility with the latest version of bbpress - fixed a problem with slideshows appearing where they shouldnt - added styling for the new user page template folder framework: several bugfixes and improvments -since feedburners feedcount is no longer available the feature was removed from the widget -updated the google maps widget to better work with https requests 2012 26 11 - Version 1.0 Release 


Stay up to date:

Risen - Church WordPress Theme (Responsive)

Risen - Church WordPress Theme (Responsive) - Churches Nonprofit

Follow Me on ThemeForest Follow Me on Twitter New Items via RSS Get Support Visit My Website

Risen is a Project

Responsive WordPress Theme for Churches

This church theme for WordPress has the features a church website needs — a mobile-friendly responsive design, sermon archive, photo and video gallery, church events calendar, support for multiple locations, staff profiles and church news. The sermon archive is complete with the ability for visitors to search for audio, video and text sermons by category, tag, date and speaker. Risen has powerful customization options that make it easy to change the theme’s colors, fonts and background.

Risen is also useful for non-church websites that need rich multimedia publishing capabilities for audio, video and photos and that want to promote events. The sermon archive can be fully renamed using the theme options, making this a WordPress theme not only for churches but also parachurch ministries, nonprofits and charities, conference websites and multimedia presentation archives.

This theme is well-documented with over 30 pages of organized, easy to follow instructions explaining how to use its features. Additionally, a series of video guides is included and support is provided.

“I have to say I’m very impressed with your theme. It has made building the current site I’m on as easy as possible… I really wish all themes were built like this one. You did a phenomenal job of making everything customizable in the way it should be!” — Brent Barkley   5 Star Rating
“This theme was extremely easy to use and the documentation that came with it was a huge help…The couple of questions I had were answered very quickly and efficiently. I would definitely recommend any theme by this author.” — duncan99   5 Star Rating
“I love risen! It has been easy to set up and looks really great... much better than what I had been using.” — Pastor Eric Atkins   5 Star Rating
“Great work on Risen! It’s the best church theme on ThemeForest!” — @wpforchurch via Twitter
”...looks great on my phone and tablet. Steven included all the features you would want in a theme designed for churches.” — (Nick Blevins)

For more, see What People Are Saying at the bottom of this page.

Mobile-friendly Responsive Design

The Risen church theme was designed to be responsive. In other words, it is mobile-friendly and will adapt itself to fit comfortably on devices with small screens such as phones and tablets. Scan the QR code below with your mobile device for a live demonstration.

Mobile-friendly Responsive Design

Highly Customizable Colors, Fonts and Background

Risen was made to be easy to customize to match your church branding from within the WordPress admin area. You can choose between a Light or Dark appearance, set a Main Color, link color, change fonts (200+ Google Web Fonts preloaded) and choose from 19 Preset Backgrounds, some of which can be colored (or provide your own). It is also easy to Upload Your Logo. None of this requires editing code.

Highly Customizable Colors, Fonts and Background

Sermon Archive for Audio, Video and Text

Put your pastor’s sermons online in audio (listen online or download MP3), video (YouTube or Vimeo), online text or downloadable PDF format. This theme provides a robust multimedia archive in which sermons can be organized and browsed by category, tag, speaker, month, day and year.

Sermon Archive for Audio, Video and Text

Photo & Video Gallery

Share your church photos and videos using the theme’s gallery features. Create multiple “albums” by organizing your photos and videos into categories.

Photo & Video Gallery

Events — Church Calendar

Keep your congregation and community in the know about what will be happening by posting events to the church calendar. Events can include dates, times, address, Google Map and other information.

Events — Church Calendar

More Church Website Features

In addition to sermon multimedia, photos and events, Risen has features for posting Church News (blog), Staff Profiles, support for multiple Locations, and a Contact Form that can be configured with multiple recipients for the visitor to choose from (e.g. Church Office, Senior Pastor, Youth Pastor, etc.).

Photo & Video Gallery

Complete Feature List

  • Responsive design using HTML5 and CSS3 styling
  • Theme Options powered by Options Framework
  • Custom Colors (light or dark appearance, main, link and background color)
  • Custom Background (full background image or pattern — 19 included or upload your own)
  • 200+ Google Web Fonts
  • Logo Upload
  • Homepage has Responsive Slider (supports video), intro message, featured boxes and widget areas
  • Sermon Archive with embedded video (YouTube or Vimeo), Audio Player, MP3 download, online sermon reading, PDF download and archives by date, category, speaker and tag.
  • Gallery with photos, videos, categories and Responsive Lightbox.
  • Church Calendar (Upcoming Events and Past Events)
  • Support for Multiple Locations with map and directions
  • Staff Profiles with e-mail buttons
  • Church News (Blog)
  • Search Results for posts, pages, sermons, photos, videos, events, locations and staff.
  • Contact Form with multiple recipients and reCAPTCHA support.
  • Custom Post Types for sermons/multimedia, gallery, events, staff and locations
  • Custom Page Templates for sermons/multimedia, events (upcoming, past), gallery (categories, all items, images only, videos only), locations, staff, blog and contact.
  • Custom Widgets for Enhanced Categories, Enhanced Recent Posts, Sermon Archives (by month), Recent Sermons, Recent Gallery Items, Events, Locations, Staff, Donations
  • Widget Sidebars for regular pages, blog, sermons, gallery, events, staff, locations and contact
  • Responsive Shortcodes for buttons, tabs, accordion, columns, boxes, quotes, maps and contact form
  • WordPress Embeds extended for responsive videos
  • Custom Menu support for header (with dropdowns) and footer
  • Customizable Footer (menu, address, phone, copyright)
  • Individual page and post options for header image and sidebar
  • Breadcrumb Path
  • Social Media Icons for Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Pinterest, YouTube, Vimeo, Flickr, StumbleUpon, Tumblr, LinkedIn, Skype, Dribbble, Forrst and RSS
  • Google Maps integration
  • Google Analytics support
  • Favicon upload support
  • Automatic image resizing using native WordPress functionality
  • Fully localized and Translation Ready (PO file included)
  • Compatible with WordPress Multisite network
  • Required WordPress styles implemented (.alignright, .wp-caption, etc.)
  • Includes Child Theme for optional style and feature customization
  • Comes with layered PSD Photoshop files

Support, Documentation & Video Guides

  • Support is Provided by the developer
  • Complete Documentation (40+ Pages) covering installation, usage and customization
  • 12 Video Guides show you how to use the theme
    1. Installation Guide (4:54)
    2. Appearance Customization (5:00)
    3. Homepage Setup (5:00)
    4. Adding Pages (5:00)
    5. Custom Menus (4:56)
    6. Publishing Sermons (Multimedia) (5:00)
    7. Gallery Setup (5:00)
    8. Church Calendar (Events) (5:00)
    9. Church News (Blog) (5:00)
    10. Contact Form Setup (5:01)
    11. Staff Profiles (4:29)
    12. Adding Locations (5:00)
  • Sample Content (XML) similar to live preview included — just import it
  • Sample Widgets can be imported as well (instructions included)
  • Well-commented HTML, CSS, JavaScript and PHP code
  • Lifetime updates included

If you have a question that is not answered in the documentation or if you discover a problem, you can submit a support request via the form on my Profile Page (must be logged in to see it). My goal is to answer questions within 24 hours on weekdays (excluding US holidays and the rare period of travel).

Please Note: Support is provided for theme features and problems. Customizations not included.


The current version is 1.1.8 (May 27, 2013) — 13th release. View the Changelog.

What People Are Saying

Here is some feedback from users of Risen and other WordPress or church website experts. Five stars have been placed by those who have mentioned that they rated the theme as such here ThemeForest.

“I have to say I’m very impressed with your theme. It has made building the current site I’m on as easy as possible… I really wish all themes were built like this one. You did a phenomenal job of making everything customizable in the way it should be!” — Brent Barkley   5 Star Rating
“This theme was extremely easy to use and the documentation that came with it was a huge help…The couple of questions I had were answered very quickly and efficiently. I would definitely recommend any theme by this author.” — duncan99   5 Star Rating
“I love risen! It has been easy to set up and looks really great... much better than what I had been using.” — Pastor Eric Atkins   5 Star Rating
“Easy to use and exactly what a church needs! Thanks Steve!” — Tim Dunnington   5 Star Rating
“A fantastic looking theme that is a breeze to set up with excellent documentation. 7 out of 5 stars. Highly recommended.” — simian1701   5 Star Rating
“This is a perfect theme for building a church website- I have little to no experience in building a website and yet found the layout and construction easy to follow and customize. Also, the creator is easy to contact and provides personal help, which is a huge benefit to purchasing this theme. And for anyone looking to build a site in another language, I built mine in Spanish and it’s working great!”
— Pastor Jason Boyle   5 Star Rating
“Loved your Risen Theme! Thanks so much for the excellent support documentation/videos, I’m brand new to this, and you made it almost too easy!” — Pastor Chad Cohoon   5 Star Rating
“I absolutely love your theme and have had fun playing with it to build my new site.”
— baharte   5 Star Rating
“Just want to say that your documentation is outstanding. Just started using WordPress and I felt like a pro with your great instructions.”
— Elena Rivera MacGregor   5 Star Rating
“Many thanks again Steven for your excellent support on your themes!”
— @hiwearesuperfly via Twitter   5 Star Rating
“Thanks for developing such a great theme for churches! We love that Risen is responsive, which is only increasing our engagement and reach!
— elementdave   5 Star Rating
“Really superb theme! I love the attention to detail and…the support after the sale. Nice work!”
— Dave Knadler   5 Star Rating
“I wasn’t sure I’d be able to design a professional looking website on my own, but you made the process so straightforward — especially thanks to your easy to follow video tutorials.”
— Tori Hogan   5 Star Rating
“Great work on Risen! It’s the best church theme on ThemeForest!” — @wpforchurch via Twitter
”...looks great on my phone and tablet. Steven included all the features you would want in a theme designed for churches.” — (Nick Blevins)
“I had the privilege of testing…and let me tell you, it is top-notch and very user-friendly.
— Matt Cleaver, Church WordPress Tips
“This week’s featured author is StevenGliebe, who has…the newest from the Churches category.”
— ThemeForest Homepage, shortly after release of Risen
“Your documentation and videos are super! I’m so impressed. Worked with another theme but documentation was minimal…thanks for giving us a great product.” — mogulbear
”...thank you for designing such an awesome theme, coding it well, and providing such a great, extensively detailed support documentation page.” — Chimpie
“This is the best wordpress theme I have ever worked with! Great job.” — sporez
“I purchased this theme for my church’s website and had it up and functioning within a day. This is by far the best “church related” theme out there! The support is awesome! Thanks Steven and team.” — jordan0109
“I love this theme, looks great from the front and works great from the back. ” — Zerojosh
“Excellent theme, and fantastic documentation!” — counterform
“If you are looking for a church theme, Risen by @stevengliebe is a very beautiful option!” — @WPExplorer in tweet to 30,000 followers
“I am happy to have received such great customer service with this theme!” — pdiddy2aop

Sources & Credits

Much appreciation is given to the people behind these helpful projects and resources used in making the theme and live preview.

  • Options Framework Plugin (GPL) by Devin Price
  • locate_template_uri() from WordPress Trac by John Blackbourn
  • Get YouTube Video ID from URL (CC BY-SA 3.0) by jeffreypriebe, Lasnv, WebDev and Chris Nolet
  • reCAPTCHA PHP Library (free to distribute) by Mike Crawford and Ben Maurer
  • Codestyling Localization (GPL) by Heiko Rabe
  • Widget Settings Importer/Exporter (GPL) by Kevin Langley and smccafferty
  • WordPress Code: Earlier Shortcodes by Viper007Bond
  • Excluding your plugin or theme from update checks by Mark Jaquith
  • How to scale up featured post thumbnail? answer by levi
  • jQuery (MIT, GPL)
  • Modernizr (MIT, BSD) by Faruk Ates, Paul Irish and Alex Sexton
  • css3-mediaqueries.js (MIT) by Wouter van der Graaf
  • HTML5 Doctor Reset (public domain) by Richard Clark
  • Superfish and Supersubs (MIT or GPL) by Joel Birch
  • hoverIntent (MIT or GPL) by Brian Cherne
  • SelectNav.js (MIT) by Lukasz
  • FlexSlider (MIT) by WooThemes and Tyler Smith
  • Backstretch (MIT) by Scott Robbin
  • MediaElements.js (GPL, MIT) by John Dyer
  • prettyPhoto (CC BY 2.5) by Stephane Caron
    • Hash Fix by Eddie Monge
    • Improved _fitToViewport() by Vladimir
  • jQuery Validation (MIT) by Jörn Zaefferer
  • jQuery doTimeout (GPL, MIT) by Ben Alman
  • ColorPicker (MIT, GPL) by Stefan Petre
  • URL Rewriting: Custom Post Types Date Archive by MillaN
  • Custom Post Type Taxonomy Pagination by Justin Carroll
  • jQuery Smooth Scroll (MIT, GPL) by Karl Swedberg
  • jQuery Easing (BSD) by George McGinley Smith
  • jQuery Cookie Plugin (MIT or GPL) by Klaus Hartl
  • (public domain) by Chad Smith
  • CFInstall (BSD-style license) by The Chromium Authors
  • getParameterByName (with permission) by James Padolsey
  • Google Maps API
  • Google Web Fonts
    • Open Sans (Apache License) by Steve Matteson
    • Shadows Into Light Two (SIL Open Font License) by Kimberly Geswein
  • Sun Background (PhotoDune Extended License) by Serg64
  • Wheat Field Background (PhotoDune Extended License) by jeka2011
  • Premium Pixels (Orman Clark) Backgrounds (license allows use in ThemeForest themes)
    • 11 Light Subtle Patterns (.PAT)
    • 8 Seamless “Dark Metal Grid” Patterns
    • 5 Bokeh Effect Backgrounds
  • Elemis Backgrounds (license allows use in ThemeForest themes)
    • Colorful Wood Background
    • Tileable Wood Texture with 7 Colors
    • 2 Tileable Grunge Paper Textures
    • Tileable Brick Texture with 15 Colors
    • Tileable Leather Texture with 2 Colors
    • Tileable Corkboard Texture with 6 Color Options
  • John Piper and Desiring God Foundation for sermon content for preview
  • On The Third Day Slide by Luis Rivera (used in preview only)
  • The Parables by Megan Watson (used in preview only)
  • Reflection Icons by Webdesigner Depot (used by preview’s customizer slide out)
  • Various images from iStockPhoto and PhotoDune

Note: With the exception of background images, the photos and illustrations seen in the live preview are not included with the theme.

Bloggap - Responsive Blog WordPress Theme

Bloggap - Responsive Blog WordPress Theme - Blog / Magazine WordPress

Looking to give your visitors a fun new way to browse your latest posts, display loads of content in a beautifully simple and cool way then Bloggap is great choice for you. The theme is responsive, meaning it will look and work great on all screen resolutions and mobile devices as well.


Fully responsive design
With more devices come varying screen resolutions, definitions and orientations. This theme is optimised for iPad and iPhone and for all screen resolutions.

Custom theme administration
You can customize the theme you choose and use. Take a Knight’s design and make it your own. You will find the custom admin panel and shortcodes to facilitate your customization.

Photoshop files included
Photoshop files are included in the theme package if you need to do any customization on theme design.

Shortcode generator
Shortcode generator will save you time and do things that would otherwise require technical knowledge and possibly large amounts of code (Columns, buttons, quotes, headlines…)

Google maps integrated
Easy way to add great-looking Google Map and your location to website contact page.

Translation options
Our new themes are designed to work with any language utilizing .PO files. You may send us your translation so we can include it in theme’s official language pack!

Page templates included
Do what you want without touching other theme files. Each template can be applied to an individual page and give a look of portfolio, contact page or blog…

Post Formats
A Post Format is a piece of meta information that can be used by a theme to customize its presentation of a post. The Post Formats feature provides a list of formats: aside, gallery, link, images, quote, video and audio.

Color skins
This theme comes with a few different colors skin which you can select and change instantly via theme administration.

This theme comes with great documentation to help you get started and properly use the theme.

Contact form included
Contact form will give visitors of your website a private way to contact you, instead of comments, and you don’t need to display an email address on your website.


Version 1.6 (04.03.2013)

- Small css fixes - Files changed: header.php, style/style.css

Version 1.5 (19.02.2013)

- Fixed issues with images - Fixed issue with toggle boxes

Version 1.4 (14.02.2013)

- Lanugage files updated - Reduced loading time

Version 1.3 (30.01.2013)

- Updated language files - Updated archive page

Version 1.2 (29.01.2013)

- Theme information update - Show and hide map fixed - Share fixed

Version 1.1 (28.01.2013)

- fixed missing image - added search error text on search page - moved wp_head tag to right position


Support for all Themes Kingdom themes is handled through the Themes Kingdom support system, if you’d like to open a new ticket over there and Themes Kingdom support team will take a look at your issue

How to register support account?