Sunday, May 26, 2013

Keres Fullscreen Photography Theme

Keres Fullscreen Photography Theme - Photography Creative

Keres is the Responsive Wordpress theme built for photography, portfoliowebsite. It comes with many cool features ex. Fullscreen Slideshow, Kenburns Slideshow, Unique Image Flow Gallery, Skin manager, Fullscreen Contact Map, Fullscreen Youtube and Vimeo Video, Customizable elements’s color, font and background image. There are also 50+ advanced shortcodes with Shortcode Generator support. You can also use 300+ custom fonts from Google Web Fonts.


  • Responsive Design

  • 8 Homepage Gallery Styles

  • Static Content Homepage Support

  • Full Screen slideshow for Photo Gallery

  • You can configure own skins using Skin Manager

  • Music support for homepage and pages

  • 10 Gallery Templates

  • Password Protected Gallery Support

  • Image Gallery Comments Support

  • Fullscreen Youtube and Vimeo video support

  • Extensive galleries admin. Support multiple images upload

  • Portfolio content support Youtube, Vimeo, Self-Hosted Video and Custom link

  • 3 Portfolio Templates

  • Social media Profiles Support

  • 7 Custom Widgets

    • Recent Posts

    • Popular Posts

    • Twitter feed

    • Contact Form

    • Youtube Video

    • Vimeo Video

    • Flickr photostream

  • 300+ Google Web Fonts

  • Easily customize elements colors using color picker

  • Styled typography and flexible page columns

  • Built-in Many Shortcodes

  • Style shortcodes ex. dropcap etc.

  • Column shortcodes ex. 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 columns

  • Built-in Shortcode Generator plugin

  • Custom Post Type support for Galleries, Portfolios

  • Wordpress custom menu support

  • Facebook, Twitter and Google+ integration

  • Unlimited sidebar. Create and select sidebar for each of your page!

  • Contact us page with validation and fullscreen Google Map support

  • Valid HTML standard


= V1.0 - 06.02.2013 =
* Initial Release

= V1.01 - 07.02.2013 =
* Fix gallery music issue on Firefox

= V1.1 - 10.02.2013 =
* Fix main menu issue on Opera
* Add instagram to Social Profile module

= V1.2 - 12.02.2013 =
* Fix add media button issue on edit page/post page

= V1.2.1 - 21.02.2013 =
* Fix gallery short code conflict with Wordpress one

= V1.2.2 - 28.02.2013 =
* Fix backslash issue on footer content

= V1.2.3 - 03.03.2013 =
* Add option to disable overlay background on fullscreen slideshow

= V1.3 - 02.05.2013 =
* Fix fullscreen Vimeo video background control display issue

= V1.3.1 - 11.05.2013 =
* Fix main menu issue on fullscreen Vimeo video background page
* Fix disable right click issue

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