Saturday, May 18, 2013

Pixia Wordpress Theme

Pixia Wordpress Theme - Creative WordPress

Awards and recognitions

Honorable Mention at Awwwards –
Featured at CSS Awards –
Featured on Creattica –
Site of the day at CSS Light –

Full Packed Wordpress Theme – WordPress 3.5 Ready

Pixia is a Wordpress theme designed specially for creatives. Using a modern and liquid layout you can get a stylish website in a few minutes.

Video Tutorials

Check them out here:

Custom Admin Control Panel

Divided in 7 sections the Pixia Options Panel will allow to fully edit the content and decide on how will some sections be displayed. It’s also very easy to translate all of the text that used on your website (you can use the Dashboard or use .po files).

6 CustomTemplate Pages

- Fullscreen slider page
- Classic Blog Page with AJAX lazy “more posts” loading
- Masonry Blog Page with AJAX lazy “more posts” loading
- Portfolio Page with Isotope effects (unlimited portfolios can be created)
- Masonry Portfolio Page with Isotope effects (unlimited portfolios can be created)
- Contact Page

2 Custom Post Types

- Portfolio items Custom Post type
- Slides Custom Post type (unlimited sliders can be used with shortcodes)

6 Custom Widgets

- Comments widget
- Social Links widget
- Advertising widget
- Twitter widget
- Vcard widget
- Video widget

Other features

- Shortcodes (blockquotes, boxes, unordered lists, accordion, tabs, buttons, sliders, icons and layout)
- Widget ready (3 Sidebars)
- Worpress custom menu ready
- Font selector
- 60+ background patterns (and counting…)
- Future implementations available: if there’s any new feature y
ou might like on this theme, please send me an email and I’ll try to add it to the theme

Sources Used

  • jQuery color animations by John Resig
  • Background Patterns by Subtle Patterns
  • jQuery Ui Bootstrap Syle
  • Foundation by Zurb
  • jQuery easing by McGinley Smith
  • Decent Comments by itthinx
  • WPAlchemy by Dimas Begunoff
  • Image Resize Script by Victor Teixeira
  • TimThumb by Ben Gillbanks and Mark Maunder
  • D
    ebounced Resize by Louis Remi
  • Isotope by David DeSandro – I have the license that allows me to redistribute
  • Masonry by David DeSandro
  • jQuery Transit by Rico Sta. Cruz
  • dynoTable by Bob Tantlinger
  • Paintbrush by David Shea
  • jQuery qTip2 by Craig Thompson
  • Ambrosite Next/Previous Post Link Plus
  • Prettyphoto Lightbox
  • RetinaJS by Imulus and Ben Atkin
  • Flexslider by Woothemes
  • Elastislide by Mary Lou

Image Credits (used only on the theme preview)
  • Markjsebastian on Flickr
  • Dan Matutina – TwistedFork
  • Glen and Jessica Bellman
  • Kevin Roodhorst at Creattica
  • Mangustas at Creattica
  • Soufiane Idrassi at Creattica


Visit this page for more info:

13/03/2013 – File was updated to V3.1

Implemented the following changes:

  • Added Child Theme

  • Added option to paste Google Analytics code

  • Added Bebas Neue font

  • Improved IE10/Windows 8 support

  • Improved Jetpack galleries compatibility

  • Removed htaccess file rewriting (problematic on some servers)

22/01/2013 – File was updated to V3.0

Implemented the following changes:

  • Implemented Soundcloud iframe support

  • Added the option to set a margin on portfolio pages (Classic and Masonry)

  • Added 2 Google Fonts

  • Made vt_resize.php script WP 3.5 compatible

  • Fixed search results page (was returning a 404 error page on some servers)

  • Fixed blog auto load more posts feature (for more than 10 events)

21/12/2012 – File was updated to V2.6

Implemented the following changes:

  • Added the option edit slides text color

  • Added AJAX save settings feature under Pixia Options (WP Dashboard)

  • Improved compatibility with qTranslate plugin

  • Fixed tooltips background color display

  • Updated jQuery Transit – WP 3.5 compatible

  • Updated WPAlchemy – WP 3.5 compatible

15/12/2012 – File was updated to V2.5

Implemented the following changes:

  • Added option to show related blog posts

  • Added 2 Google fonts

  • Added icon

  • Improved tags and accordion display

  • Improved Internet Explorer 8 support

07/12/2012 – File was updated to V2.4

Implemented the following changes:

  • Improved search page display when there are no results to show

  • Fixed read more button display on Blog Masonry for small excerpts

  • Added Google Plus button to the social networks widget

  • Added 14 Google Fonts

17/11/2012 – File was updated to V2.3

Implemented the following changes:

  • Added Minimal Icon Set on Social Netoworks Widget

  • Added Tumblr icon

  • Improved Soundcloud support

  • Fixed warning message on single portfolio page when skills display is off

08/11/2012 – File was updated to V2.2

Implemented the following changes:

  • Added Dribbble and Behance icons

  • Added option to don’t use the slider on blog single posts

  • Added the option to define a height value on which the menu collapses

  • Improved background image display on portfolio and fullscreen slider pages

02/11/2012 – File was updated to V2.1

Implemented the following changes:

  • Added support for Retina Ready Images

  • Added the option to create unlimited Blogs

  • Added keyboard arrows navigation for portfolio posts

  • Added the option to disable slider on portfolio single entries

  • Added the option to use an alternative logo when the menu collapses

  • Improved menu highlighting for portfolio masonry

  • Improved background image resizing for single pages

24/10/2012 – File was updated to V2.0

Implemented the following changes:

  • Added Shortcode Custom TinyMCE insert functions

  • Added option to use videos as thumbs on blog

  • Added 5 google fonts

  • Improved Masonry Portfolio resize and filter animations

  • Improved homepage slideshow display on mobile devices

  • Homegenized links hover styles

20/10/2012 – File was updated to V1.4

Implemented the following changes:

  • Added the option to open slides on a new window

  • Added the option to define text modules opacity

  • Added the option to open the project link when a thumb is clicked

  • Added the option to choose portfolio skills pages template (Classic or Masonry)

  • Improved homepage slider image scaling on Android and iPhone

  • Fixed text display on fullscreen slider when there’s only 1 slide

  • Improved Shortcode Tabs rendering

  • Compressed top menu and widgets display on small screens

  • Added video about sliders to the Documentation

16/10/2012 – File was updated to V1.3

Implemented the following changes:

  • Added the option to choose blog category pages template (Classic or Masonry)

  • Added the option to show previous and next blog posts on single pages

  • Improved single and shortcode sliders vimeo support (auto pause function)

  • Improved update notifications

  • Removed swipe inconsistencies on sliders (iPhone, iPad and Android)

  • Fixed vCard custom widget rendering

  • Fixed iPhone portfolio page display when the user starts to scroll before page is loaded

13/10/2012 – File was updated to V1.2

Implemented the following changes:

  • Added videos to the help file

  • Added portfolio skills filter on top of imagery on small screens

  • Improved bottom sidebar display on small devices

  • Improved mobile functionality – sliders and google maps

  • Removed warning messages when no skills are assigned to portfolio entries

  • Fixed load more posts when the homepage is blog page (classic or masonry)

  • Fixed Twitter api connection (stopped working in the last 2 days)

11/10/2012 – File was updated to V1.1

Implemented the following changes:

  • Fixed iPhone Homepage Slider display

  • Fixed contact form send button mechanism

  • Added option to show/hide related posts on portfolio

  • Added option to show tooltips on social icons

  • Added title and alt attributes to portfolio images on single entries pages

10/10/2012 – File was released V1.0

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