Thursday, May 23, 2013


LOLO WP - Creative WordPress

Lolo is ideally suited for creative’s, freelancers wanting to showcase a portfolio. Each Page or post has a color select function to set the secondary color ( accent color ).

It’s possible to have custom header image for each page/post, or simply use a default ( global ) secondary color and Header image if you like. Portfolio items and Galleries are easily handeled with Custom Post Types and shortcodes. All functions / features are well documented.


Lolo is fully responsive even the default WP Gallery looks good.

Additional Theme Features

  • Localisation Support Including for Admin Strings ( .mo / .po ).

  • Widgetised Footer.

  • Post Format Support for Image, Galleries, Standard, Quote, Link, Video.

  • Page Templates Home, Portfolio, Archives, Blog, Full Width, fully functional Contact Form.

  • Twitter with Caching

  • Unbranded Custom Admin.

  • Built on Bootstrap 2.

  • Shortcodes – not too many just enough to get your content placed so it remains responsive. ( All Shortcodes explained in documentation )

  • Extensive HTML formatted Documentation.

Custom Post Types

Post Types makes it relatively simple to create Portfolio’s, Image Carousels and Pricing Tables

Post Types

Post Page Meta

With Custom meta set Individual Page / Post secondary color and upload header images & more.

Post Page Meta

View Documentation

Theme Documentation Link


For now I will attend to any support related querries either through the Item comments or via twitter ( @yourdesigncoza ), till such time I’ve set up a dedicated forum.

To Do – List

This list is based on requests and or recommendations from comments ::: Requests I consider realistic will be added to the list :::

  • Accordion and Tabs [completed] in release V1.7

  • Footer Logo not showing [completed] in release V1.2

  • Need to add functionality to remove color behind logo [completed] in release V1.2

  • First Image in Flexslider does not “always” open till it cycles [completed] in release V1.2

  • Bigger Logo’s not playing nice on small screens [completed] in release V1.2

  • Add option to remove header image [completed] in release V1.1

  • Rework Portfolio Description to load Portrait as well as Landscape images [completed] in release V1.1

  • Make documentation available for everyone to view [completed] – documentation link above

  • Create an XML file to load demo content – [not possible] – unable to export featured images etc. WP-Forum >>


V1.7 - 01.04.2013
Added Shortcodes for Accordions and Tabs.
Update the ydcoza-shortcodes.php file located in includes/ folder ADD lines ( 668-850 )

V1.6 - 20.12.2012
WP 3.5 compatibility issues - Updated OptionTree to version 2.0.10 affected option-tree folder ( replace entire folder )
Fixed Error, in dynamic-css.php ( line 244 )
replace : <?php if ( $add_custom_font[0] != true) { ?> with <?php if ( $add_custom_font == true ) { ?>

V1.5 - 10.12.2012
updated style.css added filter none ( IE compatibility ) - ( line: 510-513)
.dropdown-menu .active > a ...{
filter: none;
Weird issue in Chrome where Flexslide Title was not playing nice and added # to empty links in shortcode :
updated .title_chrome_fix to style.css Chrome Issue with Flexslider Title - ( line: 966 )
replace the foreach( $slides as $slide ) { loop with new one - find in ydcoza-shortcodes.php ( line: 145 - 163 )

V1.4 - 18.11.2012
Now able to use a Font Plugin ::: eg.WP Google Fonts :::
affected : style.css removed "font-family: 'Open Sans', sans-serif;" from Body - (line 57-63)
affected : style.css removed "font-family: 'Dosis', sans-serif;" from H1-H6 - (line 76-83)
affected : dynamic.css.php (/css) added The Options function $add_custom_font (line 236-241)
affected : ydcoza-theme_options.php (/includes) Added Theme Options Font checkbox (line 358-375)
affected : header.php added The Options function $add_custom_font (line 54-59)

Added the_content() to template-portfolio.php - ( line: 44-52 )
removed echo statement in single-portfolio_pages.php - ( line 90 )

V1.3 - 12.11.2012

# Critical Update - Fixed IE8 compatibility #

Added backgroundResize function - script.js - ( line: 267-271 )
Added IE conditional functionality to dynamic-css.php - ( line: 263+ )
V1.2 - 09.11.2012
Footer Logo was displaying header logo added new function ( function ydcoza_footer_logo() ) to ydcoza-functions.php
Added option in Custom Theme Options to remove custom BG color from logo, updated ydcoza_logo() & ydcoza_footer_logo() functions in ydcoza-functions.php
Flexslider first image not always show on load added .flexslider .slides > li:first-child {display: list-item;} to style.css
V1.1 - 30.10.2012
Added option to remove header image
Portfolio Description Pages now accommodate Portrait and Landscape images

V1.0 - 26.10.2012

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