Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Dottoro Studio - Multipurpose WordPress Theme

Dottoro Studio - Multipurpose WordPress Theme - Business Corporate

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Dottoro Studio is one of the most feature-rich WordPress themes on the market. It provides an extremely flexible framework for the quick and simple creation of any type of website. Custom post types, widget areas, subheaders, slideshows, 80+ shortcodes, 400+ theme options and so much more.

Dottoro Studio is a basic version of the Dottoro Theme. It does not support all features of the Dottoro Theme, but it provides an additional option, as you are able to choose from 3 theme designs. See Feature Comparison for details.

Key Features

Custom Post Types

In addition to the Blog post type, the theme provides two further post types: News and Portfolio. Tags and categories are post type dependent and you can assign a different permalink structure to every post type, so you have the ability to completely separate post, tag and category pages of different post types. The search page and several widgets support post type selection, e.g. the Recent Post widgets allows you to display only news, but you can also set it to post type independent mode.

Extended and Additional Widgets

The theme helps you to create your own website not only with the additional widgets, but it also improved the standard WordPress widgets with extended options and features. Several widgets are skinnable, allow you to select an image to use as a list-item marker and support post types.

Additional widgets are:

  • Author Testimonial
  • Connects Menu
  • Contact Form
  • Contact Info
  • Flickr Photos
  • Google Maps
  • Latest Tweets
  • Navigation Bar
  • Popular Posts
  • Recent Posts (an improved one and a brand new one)
  • Related Posts
  • Slideshow
  • Tabbed Widgets

Custom Widget Areas

The theme provides several predefined widget areas, but you have the ability to create as many custom widget areas as you want. You can edit the layout of widgets in each widget area with an easy to use wizard and you can attach widget areas to the sidebars and footers on every page of your site. Additionally, shortcodes allow you to insert custom widget areas into the contents and subheaders of pages as well.

Custom Subheaders

Custom subheaders make your website more attractive to visitors. You can have different content in the subheaders on every page of your site. The theme provides a couple of useful ready-made templates but you can always create your own custom subheaders. The contents of the subheaders can be edited the same way as the contents of pages and posts.


Widespread support for creating and displaying slideshows. You can create and edit your slideshows in a wizard similar to the WordPress menu editor. The contents of slides can be edited the same way as the contents of posts and pages, and you can also use shortcodes in them. You can set background and pagination images and add any number of layers to every slide. A layer is timed content that can appear and disappear with an animation. Sliders support several transition effects.
Thanks to the slideshow widget and shortcode, sliders may appear not only on the homepage, but anywhere on any page.

Dottoro Gallery

In addition to the default WordPress gallery, you can create different galleries for every post and page. Dottoro Gallery is more widely customizable than the default WordPress gallery. It lets you create image and video galleries, including Flash, Youtube and Vimeo videos. The galleries are presented with the use of an image viewer application that displays the images in an attractive manner to your visitors.

Page Templates

Several options are supported for each page regardless of its template. These options are: sidebar position, additional sidebar and footer widget areas, body css class, subheader specific options and some other ones. With the sidebar position option you can set the position of the sidebar (or remove the sidebar) on any page separately, so there is no need Sidebar Left, Sidebar Right and Full Width templates.
Moreover, every page template supports page specific options. For example, for Blog, News and Portfolio pages, you can specify the number of visible posts per page, the number of posts in a row, the categories should be displayed on the page, the size and aligment of thumbnails and much more.
List of templates:

  • Default Template
  • Blog template
  • News template
  • Portfolio and Imagefolio templates
  • Contact template
  • Archives template
  • Authors template
  • Bookmarks template
  • Sitemap template

80+ Shortcodes

Shortcodes enable you to place a high variety of components (buttons, tables, tabs, tooltips, etc.), post lists, widget areas, widgets, slideshows, media galleries, videos and other content on your pages. Nested shortcodes are also supported in the theme. You can also apply skins to the majority of shortcodes. This feature enables you to customize the appearance of the displayed elements without bothering with codes and web programming.

Menu Animations

You can choose from 3 different JavaScript menu animation effects. These effects work for multi-level submenus as well. If JavaScript is disabled, CSS menu will be used as a fallback.

AJAX Pagination

Portfolio pages support AJAX pagination and several paging animation.

Localization Ready

Includes two .mo and two .po files (admin language resources are separated) so you can easily translate the theme to your language.


Version 1.5 – 27 Nov 2012

Post thumbnails disappear when upgrading the theme. Please go to Theme Options > General > Upgrade Fix after you updated your theme and click on the Fix Post Thumbnails button.

  • Fixed: lightbox behind the content on Chrome
  • Added: new options for browsing filters on Portfolio pages: “Show All filter”, “Show child categories as filters”
  • Added: browsing filters can appear on portfolio category pages if the category has child categories
  • Added: new options under Theme Options > General: “Show scroll to top button”, “qTranslate Compatibility”

Version 1.4 – 13 Jun 2012

  • Important changes you need to know!
    If you use a child theme, you should read the following lines:
    • The loading mechanism of stylesheets has been changed in the theme. To avoid duplicated stylesheets, please remove the @import rule from the style.css file of your child theme that loads the style.css file of the Dottoro Studio theme. For details, please see Important Changes in Studio Theme 1.4.
    • CSS classes for news and portfolio items have been renamed to make them consistent with blog posts. Please rename them in the style.css file of your child theme to make them compatible with the latest theme version. More info: renamed CSS classes.
  • Fixed: invalid input button height in Firefox
  • Fixed: gallery does not appear in subheader
  • Fixed: google maps marker is not centered after resize
  • Added: new options for galleries: autoplay, play interval.
  • Added: new CSS classes for post, news and portfolio lists.

Version 1.3 – 25 May 2012

Some settings may be lost when upgrading the theme. Please go to Theme Options > General > Upgrade Fix after you updated your theme and follow the instructions.

  • Fixed: some attributes of the post_list, news_list and portfolio_list shortcodes don’t work
  • Fixed: custom post types cause conflicts with some plugins
  • Added: several new attributes for post_list, news_list and portfolio_list shortcodes
  • Added: new options for Blog, News pages: post titles can be hidden, excerpt length for posts without thumbnail, sorting order (for Portfolio and Imagefolio pages, too)
  • Added: menus highlight the category and the matching page on post pages
  • Added: new options for breadcrumb
  • Added: a new shortcode: breadcrumb
  • Added: post css class option that allows you to style posts on post list pages separately
  • Added: sidebar position option for blog posts, news and portfolio items

Version 1.2 – 18 May 2012

  • Fixed: invalid exported theme settings file
  • Fixed: the CSS class option does not work in the widget area layout wizard
  • Fixed: the permalink settings for news and portfolio items do not work if no constant prefix is specified
  • Added: tab pages are automatically resized when the height of their content changes
  • Added: shortcodes of the same type can be nested inside each other (tabs within tabs, toggles within toggles, and so on)

Version 1.1 – 14 May 2012

  • Fixed: special accents becomes invalid in post excerpts
  • Fixed: category filtering does not work for post list shortcodes
  • Added: several new options for author, search and 404 pages
  • Added: date (archive) pages can be customized for each post type separately
  • Added: the width and height options for post thumbnails support zero values that keep the image in its original size
  • Added: width and height options for the background images to slides
  • Added: five different font size settings (CSS classes) for headings
  • Added: new filter hooks that allow you to customize the heading elements of page and post titles
  • Added: post_list, news_list and portfolio_list shortcodes allow you to customize the heading elements of post titles

Version 1.0 – 05 May 2012

  • Initial Release

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