Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Stoken - Responsive WordPress Theme

Stoken - Responsive WordPress Theme - Business Corporate

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Show off your work with this easy-to-customize and fully featured WordPress Theme. When purchasing this theme, you will receive a detailed help file along with additional features like Unlimited Color Schemes and Responsive Layout.

Theme Features

  • Unlimited Color Schemes that are easy to customize from a front-end color picker
  • Retina Support: Stoken is optimized for high resolution displays like the Macbook Pro with Retina Display, iPhones and iPads
  • Responsive Layout: Mobile, Tablet and Desktop optimized
  • Video Documentation with a detailed written help file
  • Demo Content included in an XML Import file for quick setup
  • Translation Ready with a .po file
  • Unlimited Portfolios can be created
  • Unlimited sidebars supported
  • Flickr Widget that automatically pulls in your Flickr images
  • Built using HTML5 Boilerplate for a fast, robust and future-proof site!
  • Photoshop Files Included

Custom Fonts used in theme

  • PT Sans Caption (free download)

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Need Support? Visit our Support Forum

We offer theme support via our support forum. Please post all support questions through our support forum. We reserve the item comments for pre-purchase questions.

Visit the Support Forum here

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