Thursday, July 4, 2013

Responsive Knowledge Base & FAQ WordPress Theme

Responsive Knowledge Base & FAQ WordPress Theme - Miscellaneous WordPress

Template features

  • Responsive Design
  • Unlimited Theme Colors
  • 5 Custom Widgets
  • jQuery TypeAhead Live Search
  • WordPress 3.5 Compatible Theme
  • Author and Comment Preferences
  • Standard, Image and Video Post Formats
  • Embed YouTube or Vimeo Videos
  • Shortcodes
  • Upload Logo, Favicon
  • Translation Ready
  • Analytics Integration
  • Google Fonts
  • Options Panel
  • Social Icons
  • Fast Theme Support
Version 1.6 (03/07/2013)
  • Knowledge base template bug fix
Version 1.5 (24/06/13)
  • Twitter widget update
  • Added icon option to alert shortcode
  • Sidebar subcategory link hover fix
Version 1.4 (02/05/13)
  • FontAwesome 3 update
  • Shortcode generator added
  • Knowledge Base page template category fix
Version 1.3 (26/02/13)
  • Rewritten live search
  • Added options to disable live search
  • Added options to disable live search for pages or faq posts
  • Added options for live search in post titles only or post titles and content.
  • Updated .po file
Version 1.2 (07/02/13)
  • Added background image option for Home page
  • Fixed list items bug
  • Updated to Bootstrap 2.2.2
  • Improved documentation
  • Updated .po file
Version 1.1 (14/01/13)
  • Added option to disable author box
  • Added option set article excerpt length
  • Theme options page and post select fields’ contents ordered by title
  • General code clean up
  • Improved documentation
  • Comments count added to articles
  • Fixed pagination bug
  • XML import file added to download package
Version 1.0 (04/01/13)
  • Initial release


If you need support we got you covered, support questions are typically answered within 24 hours during working days.

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